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TFT LCD screen lamination technology introduction

Tft LCD screen two kinds of lamination technology, first of all, to understand the structure of tft display screen, can be divided into the outer protective glass, capacitive resistance touch screen and tft screen three parts. When these three components are integrated, they need to be laminated. Generally need to be laminated twice, only once between the protective glass and the touch screen, and another time between the tft screen and the touch screen.

  According to the lamination, can be divided into full lamination and frame paste two kinds. tft screen using incomplete lamination technology, that is, framing. tft lcd of the following full lamination and frame paste two kinds of introduction respectively:.


  1: tft screen framing sticker. 

  Framing is simply using double-sided tape to fix the touch screen on all four sides of the tft screen, the process is simple, low cost. However, due to the existence of air layer between the tft screen and the touch screen, light refraction after the display greatly reduced, becoming the biggest defect of the frame. Some even do not need glue, only need a snap can be fixed together in the three-layer structure. When these methods are used, the tft screen will fall off once it is impacted, and it is easy to get into the gray.

  2: tft screen full lamination.

  With the development of technology and people's criticism of incomplete lamination technology, full lamination technology came into being. Compared with frame lamination, full lamination has many advantages. Full lamination technology improves the interlayer gap of lamination, reduces the possibility of air and dust entering the tft screen, and keeps the tft screen clean. Full lamination technology eliminates the air between the tft screen, which can greatly reduce light reflection and light transmission loss, thus improving brightness, enhancing the display effect of the tft screen, and making the picture more transparent. Full lamination screens are also thinner than traditional screens. The touch screen uses optical adhesive to laminate the screen, the thickness only increased by 25 microns to 50 microns, which is 0.1 mm to 0.7 mm thinner than the ordinary laminated screen.

  Overall, full lamination technology improves the gap between the lamination layers and the layers, reduces the possibility of air and dust entering the tft screen, and keeps the tft screen clean. Full lamination is better and more expensive than all others. If the product requirements are high, the protective glass and touch screen can be full lamination, tft screen, and the touch screen can also be full lamination.

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