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Summary of 15 Common Faults of Segment LCD Display

Summary of 15 Common Faults of Segment LCD Display

1. LCD display with internal dirt: the general phenomenon of black spots, stains, fibers. Refers to fibers within the LCD.

2. LCD has internal scratch: the general phenomenon of black lines, white lines, PI was scratched to show the lines scratched.

3. LCD display color unevenness: the general phenomenon of color inconsistency, rainbow, that is, the LCD color unevenness, in the middle of the rainbow or bar side rainbow and uneven color stripes, mainly in terms of color.

4. LCD base color does not match: the general phenomenon is that the overall color of the LCD is very different from the overall color of some other LCD. Generally not compared with the sample, our factory's current process capability can not reach.

5. Screen breakage: customers call the lens bad, broken. That is, the damaged part of the LCD is broken, broken with corner damage and edge damage and conductive layer damage (that is, out of the PIN side of the broken, generally more human factors, the company and the customer may be caused).

6. Bad glass cutting: Y-axis cutting, X-axis lobes cause part of the protrusion or depression.

7. LCD pin scratching: that is, the LCD broken code screen out of the PIN side (that is, usually said conductive layer) pin is scratched, cut caused by disconnection, poor conductivity, etc., the general customer repair easy to cause.

8. LCD polarizer scratched, punctured: the general phenomenon is the industry called mirror, mirror blur. That is, the polarizer is damaged or damaged by blades and other hard hands (improper placement and use by customers will cause).

9 polarizer water stripe: polarizer with a stripe, to backlight to see, due to the patch with alcohol or acetone to wipe the conductive layer of dirt, alcohol or acetone infiltration caused by the customer may also be in the wipe PIN infiltration.

10. No protective film: that is, the polarizer surface layer of the protective film is torn off. (Generally, IC is bad, the repair is thought to be bad and removed.

11 polarizer bubble: after the patch LCD surface polarizer has a small bubble, in the impact of LCD usability (try to convince customers to accept).

12. Paste reverse: the customer called paste wrong, refers to the polarizer post reverse, should have been posted in the lower piece but posted in the upper piece.

13. Bump, fiber: when the patch has dust, fiber and other pollutants fall into the LCD surface or polarization itself dirty caused.

14. Polarizer corrosion: that is, the polarizer and some liquid chemical reaction by corrosion and discoloration or deformation.

15. Mixed material: there are different kinds of products with different performance mixed in, there are versions mixed in different models of mixed material, there are LCDs from outside manufacturers, there are LCDs from different periods mixed in, and the logo on the conductive layer of LCD is used as the basis for determination.

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